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Call our Managed Voice help desk. We're open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm on 0800 686 423.

Known issues

Cloud Phone calls failing on iPhone X after iOS 14/13.5.1 update

Some customers are having trouble making VoIP calls on WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, Viber and similar VoIP applications from their iPhone X device.

This issue was caused by the recent iOS 14/13.5.1 update and may impact calls you make via the Cloud Phone mobile app on an iPhone X connected via WiFi.

If you experience this issue, here are the steps to resolve it:

  1. Open your phone’s Settings menu.
  2. Select WiFi.
  3. Select the WiFi connection you are currently connected to.
  4. Select Configure DNS (at the bottom of the menu).
  5. Change Automatic to Manual.
  6. Add as the second DNS server (or any other DNS address of your preference).
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