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Learn how to sign in and navigate the portal.
The Cloud Phone administration portal is where you manage your sites and users. You'll find it at
The home page is a dashboard that gives you quick access to some common administration tasks, aggregated call activity and a quick overview of inventory information across the company.
On the left of the screen is a menu of options. Selecting the three stacked lines underneath these options will minimise the sidebar.
At the top right of the main pane is where you select which site you'd like to view or make changes to. Above this, at the top right of your browser window, you'll see your name and profile picture. The drop-down menu next to it has options to manage your account.
Sign in to the administration portal
See videos showing how to use the admin portal.
Demonstration videos will help you find your way around the administration portal and perform common tasks.
Administration portal dashboard overview
See an overview of the new admin portal and and how to navigate through it. Find out where to go to perform common tasks. Start video
Change and reset passwords in the administration portal
See how to change and reset passwords in the new admin portal. Start video
Configure a user's voicemail
See how to configure voicemail for your users. Start video
Redirect calls after hours
See how to redirect calls to your hunt groups, call queues and call centres after hours or during holidays. Start video
Create business hours and holiday schedules
Create time schedules for business hours and holidays. These can then be used to treat calls differently at different times. Start video
Learn how to reset passwords for yourself or a user.
Learn how to reset a user's voicemail passcode.
Update details and control settings such as voicemail, call forwarding, call barring, call waiting, monitoring and call recording.
From the administration portal you can update information and control feature settings for the users in your company.
Select from the below what you want to change for the user:
From this page you can also reset their user portal password. To do this, select the Reset Password button.
Enable or disable voicemail
Notification of new messages
Additional settings
Fax messaging
Fax messaging needs an additional number. You can request this from Spark when you order Cloud Phone, or later as a change.
Message storage
Set up call forwarding
Call forwarding sends a user's calls to another number or to voicemail.
Set up business continuity
Business continuity will forward all calls when the user's number isn't reachable. For example, if there's a power outage or your network is down.
Set up selective call forwarding (This is only available on Standard and Premium stations)
Selective call forwarding forwards, or exempts from forwarding, a user's calls from specified numbers and at specified times using a time schedule. It overrides other call forwarding options you've set up. This feature is managed in the user portal rather than the administration portal.
If you're using selective call forwarding and have more than one schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.
You can set up which types of outbound calls a user is and isn't allowed to make.
You can choose whether users are allowed or blocked from making specific types of calls. You can also set it so they need to enter an authorisation code before making the call.
For an explanation of each of the call types, select the link Show Outbound Calling Plan Definitions under More Options. See call types
Shared call appearance means a user can have more than one device using their phone line and settings. You can also use it to assign their number as a second line on one of their colleagues' devices.
The devices share the same line appearance so they all behave the same, and all ring when a call comes in. If you turn on a feature on one device, it'll activate on all the other devices you have shared call appearance on.
A premium profile can have up to 35 devices sharing the line, and a standard profile can have 5.
Add a shared device
Set up shared call appearance
Busy lamp monitoring lets someone see if other users are on a call or able to take a call. An administrator can set up call monitoring against an individual user.
The lights that display on the call console on the user's IP desk phone will show the status of each of the monitored users.
Add users for someone to monitor
(Feature must be enabled by Spark)
Learn how to set up and assign users to a hunt group and control how the phones ring.
A hunt group distributes calls that come into a single phone number to a group of users in a pre-determined pattern. When your service is set up, hunt groups are given default settings. An administrator can change some of these.
Make changes to a hunt group
Alternate numbers means you can assign up to 10 other numbers to also go into the hunt group. When people dial them, they'll get the same greetings and functions as the main phone number. You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.
Forward hunt group calls
If you're using selective call forwarding and have more than one schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.
See Manage time schedules for help setting up time schedules.
Forward calls if all users are unavailable
Call forwarding of the hunt group will send calls to another number if none of the hunt group users are available to answer.
Business continuity sends calls to another number if the hunt group isn't reachable.
If your hunt group is set to ring the phones in a top down or circular pattern, the order you assign the users will be the order the phones ring in.
Learn how to add and change your business hours and holiday time schedules.
Time and holiday schedules are used by auto attendants, as well as call centres, call queues, hunt groups, call priority and selective call forwarding.
For auto attendants, business hour schedules let you route calls differently based on the day of the week and time of the day. Holiday schedules detail when your business is closed. Your auto attendant will come with both a business hours and holiday schedule assigned to it, but you'll need to change these to suit the hours and holidays that apply to your business.
Your auto attendant will use the business hours schedule to know when to apply the after hours greeting and menu. Holidays will also route as after hours.
Find your schedules
Change the name of your business hours schedule
Change the days and times of your business hours time schedule
Blocks of time in a time schedule are called events. They're usually named as the day of the week they're for. For example, if your business is open Monday and Tuesday, you'll create an event for each of these days.
Change the name of your holiday schedule
Change the days and times of your holidays
Blocks of time in a time schedule are called events. Each of your holidays will be an event.
As well as auto attendants, services such as call centres, call queues, hunt groups, call priority and selective call forwarding use time schedules. If they need unique business hours that are different from your normal business hours, you can add additional time schedules to assign to them.
Once the schedule has been added, you'll need to assign it to the service you're using it for.
If you're using more than one schedule for selective call forwarding of a hunt group or call queue, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.
Learn how to manage the greeting and menu of options callers get during business hours and after hours.
An auto attendant is a menu of options callers can choose from when they ring you. They're used to play a greeting then route calls to people or call queues in your company, or to external numbers or voicemail. You can upload greetings as .wav files or record them from the voice portal.
An auto attendant has options 1 to 9, # and *. You can route callers to another branch of options by using another auto attendant. Contact your account manager if you need more auto attendants.
You can set up different greetings and options for business hours and after hours, determined by your auto attendant schedule. You can also use a company holiday schedule to apply the after hours menu during holidays. See Manage time schedules for help setting up time schedules.
Make changes to an auto attendant
Choose a name for your auto attendant that reflects its purpose and helps you identify it.
Call forwarding lets you send calls to a different phone number.
Up to 10 different numbers can ring into the same auto attendant. Calls to all of the numbers will be routed the same and callers will hear the same greeting. You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.
Set up what happens when callers select options 0 - 9, * and # during business hours and after hours.
If 10 seconds elapse without an option being selected, the call will be transferred to the operator. You'll need to set up one of your menu options to be Transfer to Operator.
Auto attendant greetings are played to callers to welcome them and present the options they can choose from. You'll have two greetings, one for business hours and another for after hours.
The default greeting is: “Welcome. Your call is being answered by an automated attendant. If you know your party’s extension, press one. To use our automated name directory, press two. If you would like to speak to an
operator, press zero. Thank you for calling.”
To add your custom greeting, you can either upload a file you've already recorded, or record it in your voice portal.
Your greeting file needs to be a .wav file in CCITT u-Law 8.000 kHz, 8-bit Mono attributes with a maximum file size of 2MB.
Learn how to change the settings and messages for your call queue and assign agents.
Call queues temporarily hold calls in the cloud when all agents assigned to receive calls are unavailable. The call is sent through to an agent when they're free.
Each call queue is assigned a lead number, which is a phone number callers can dial to reach agents assigned to the call queue. Call queues are also assigned an internal extension for internal users to call into the queue.
To direct calls into a queue:
The queue size is the number of calls that can held at one time. If more calls come in they'll be given the overflow treatment you've chosen.
Call forwarding lets you send your queue calls to a different phone number.
If you're using selective call forwarding and have more than one schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.
See Manage time schedules for help setting up time schedules.
Up to 10 different numbers can ring into the same call queue. Calls to all of the numbers will be treated the same and callers will hear the same announcements. You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.
You can set the ringing pattern for each of the numbers to be different so that agents know the call has come in from an alternate number.
You can set up various messages for callers to hear while they're waiting for an agent to answer. The welcome message is the first one they'll hear, and they can then hear information about their estimated wait time, music on hold and comfort messages at regular intervals.
The welcome message is the first message a caller hears when they ring the call queue.
An estimated wait time message lets callers know how far away they are from being connected with an agent. It can tell them how long they can expect to wait, or what their position in the queue is.
A comfort message is played to callers at regular intervals while they're waiting. It's often used to give information about your products, promotions or self-service options.
Hold music plays either music or a message to callers waiting in the queue before they're transferred to an agent.
Overflow calls are those that enter when the queue is over its size limit, or the calls have been in the queue for more than a set limit of time.
Agents are users who have been assigned to receive calls from your call queue. You can assign an agent to multiple call queues.
Learn how to change the settings and messages for your call centre and assign agents.
Call Centres temporarily hold calls in the cloud when all agents assigned to receive calls from a call queue are unavailable. Callers can hear customisable greetings, comfort messages and hold music while they're waiting for an available agent.
Priority for calls ranges from 0 being the highest and 3 the lowest priority. Calls can be given higher priority if they've been in a queue for a pre-determined number of seconds.
Up to 64 different numbers can ring into the same call centre. You can set call priority for each number, and pass information on to your agents so they know which number a caller has dialled. Each alternate number can have different announcements.
You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.
Manage your queue size and what happens on holidays and after hours.
The queue size is the number of calls that can be held at one time. If more calls come in they'll be given the overflow treatment you've chosen.
Holiday service lets you play an optional message and route calls differently on special days and holidays when your staff aren't working. If you haven't created a holiday schedule, do that first. See Manage time schedules for help.
If you're applying more than one holiday schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.
Night service lets you configure what happens to calls received outside of your normal business hours. If you haven't created a business hours time schedule, do that first. See Manage time schedules for help.
Distinctive ringing gives agents a different ringtone for call centre calls. This lets them tell them apart from direct calls.
You can set up various messages for callers to hear while they're waiting for an agent to answer. The welcome message is the first one they'll hear. They can then hear information about their estimated wait time, music on hold and comfort messages at regular intervals.
The welcome message is the first message a caller hears when they ring the call centre.
An estimated wait time message lets callers know how far away they are from being connected with an agent. It can tell them how long they can expect to wait, or what their position in the queue is.
A comfort message is played to callers at regular intervals while they're waiting. It's often used to give information about your products or promotions.
Hold music plays either music or a message to callers waiting in the queue before they're transferred to an agent.
Whisper allows you to add a greeting that is heard by the agent when they answer an incoming call. This message is not played to the caller. After the message is played the call is presented to the agent.
Overflow calls are those that enter when the queue is over its size limit, or the calls have been in the queue for more than a set limit of time.
A bounced call is a call that's been sent to an agent, but the agent hasn't answered it.
A stranded call is a call in a queue that has no agents signed into it.
An unavailable call is a call in a queue where agents are signed in, but all agents are unavailable.
You can choose to redirect calls coming into a queue somewhere else. Any calls already in the queue will remain queued.
Disposition codes allow an agent to classify a call. They can be used to capture information such as which promotion the call related to, where they saw your advertising, or what the result of the call was. The agent can enter the code either during the call or afterwards when they're in a wrap-up state.
Unavailable codes let agents select a reason for being in an unavailable state. For example, if they're on lunch or taking a coffee break. You can use a default list of these codes or create your own.
Before you can use the call centre, make sure you have:
Things you'll need to know:
Learn how to set up group paging and assign paging originators and targets.
Group paging lets a user set up a one-way call to a up to 75 target users. To do this, users dial a number or extension. Users can make a simultaneous call to all the target users and they'll get an announcement that the system is ready for paging. After speaking, the user ends the call by hanging it up.
Users who make group paging calls are called paging originators. Those who will receive the group page are called paging targets. A user can be assigned to both roles.
Set up or change group paging
Paging targets are the users who will receive a group paging call.
Paging originators are the users who can make group paging calls.
Find a user's room ID or disable video conferencing.
Users with premium profiles have access to the the My Room conferencing feature. This gives them:
To use video conferencing instead of audio conferencing, an administrator needs to enable it.
Each of your premium users will have a unique room ID number to initiate My Room sessions. At the site level, you'll also have a collaborate bridge. This is the two-way number that the system uses to dial out when placing My Room calls.
There can be multiple private My Room sessions running at the same time, each with a combined total of 15 audio and video participants.
Video conferencing is enabled by default. It uses a lot of data, so you can disable it and use only audio conferencing if your internet is restricted.
A user's room ID is the number they use to place calls from My Room.
Add or edit call park groups and settings, park or pick up a parked call.
Call parking lets users from a defined group park a call, which other members of the group can then pick up.
Things to know:
Add a call park group
Delete a call park group
These settings apply to all of your call park groups.
Park a call
Pick up a parked call
What happens if the call isn't picked up?
If the call isn't picked up, it'll go back to the user who parked it, or to a hunt group, depending on what's been set up for the call park group.
See reporting for your call centres, call queues and auto attendants.
Reports can be accessed via the options menus of call centres, call queues and auto attendants. For instructions, select one of the options below.
To quickly access reporting on call queues and auto attendants:
Call centre reports will give you information on your queues and agents.
Generate a report
Understand what the report shows
The report has two tabs, Queue Stats and Agent Stats.
Queue stats:
Agent stats:
Generate a report
Understand what the report shows
The report has two tabs, Queue Stats and Agent Stats.
Queue stats:
Agent stats:
The auto attendant report shows answered calls, busy calls, not answered calls and duration of calls for each destination.
Generate a report