With Skinny’s Text Self-Service you can check your balance, buy or cancel your Plan, Add-Ons, Top-Up - all from your phone simply by sending a text. Not only is texting quick and easy but also these Self-Service texts are free to send!
Text Self Service is ideal for customers with Windows and BlackBerry smartphones or that have 'feature' phones on which the Skinny App is unsupported.
Step 1:
To get your balance, text BAL to 2424.
Step 2:
To top-up your account, text TOPUP to 2424.
Step 3:
To buy a Plan or Add-On:
Step 4:
To cancel a Plan or Add-On:
Step 5:
To get information about your account, text INFO to 2424. This provides details such as
Step 6:
To transfer your credit to another Skinny number:
Step 7:
Forgotten what your mobile number is?
Step 8:
To find out which Add-ons are available to you, insert < ADDON/addon >
Step 9:
To download the Skinny Mobile App, insert <APP>
Step 10:
To receive information on what Roaming Add-Ons are available in the country you are in, insert < Name of Country >
The response will instruct you that data roaming is not available in that country or if it is available then to reply with one of the following three commands:
Plans & Add-Ons Management | |
Top up with a voucher | TOPUP <voucher code> |
Topup with a stored credit card | TOPUP <amount> <credit card verification code> |
Request balance | 'BALANCE' or 'BAL' |
Get a list of Plans available | PLAN |
Get a list of weekly Plans available | WEEKLY |
Get a list of 28-day Plans available | 4WEEKLY, 28DAY |
Get a list of Add-Ons available | ADDON |
4 Weekly Plans | |
Buy the $9 Plan | BUY$9PLAN / $9PLAN / 9PLAN |
Buy the $17 Plan | BUY$17PLAN / $17PLAN / 17PLAN |
Buy the $27 Plan | BUY$27PLAN / $27PLAN / 27PLAN |
Buy the $40 Plan | BUY$40PLAN / $40PLAN / 40PLAN |
Buy the $50Plan | BUY$50PLAN / $50PLAN / 50PLAN |
Buy the $70 Plan | Buy$70PLAN / $70PLAN / 70PLAN |
WEEKLY Plans | |
Buy the $5 Weekly Plan | BUY WEEKLY / Buy weekly |
Buy the $20 Weekly Unlimited Plan | Buy$20Plan / $20 PLAN / BUY20PLAN |
Buy the Talk100 Add-on | BUY TALK100 |
Buy the 500MB Add-on | BUY DATA500 |
Buy the 1GB Add-on | BUY DATA1GB |
Buy the 2GB Add-on | BUY DATA2GB |
Buy the Skinny Mins Add-on | BUY SKINNYMINS |
Buy the Talk80 Add-on | BUY TALK80 |
Buy the Text250 Add-on | BUY TEXT250 |
Buy the Data80 Add-on | BUY DATA80 |
Buy the Data200 Add-on | BUY DATA200 |
Buy the Data600 Add-on | BUY DATA600 |
Buy the Mates Rates Add-on | BUY MATESRATES |
Buy the Aussie Minutes Add-On | BUY AUSSIECHAT |
Buy the International Minutes Add-On | BUY OVERSEASCHAT |
Buy the 10 Minute Data Binge | BUY10MINUTES / BUY10MIN / BY10MINS |
Buy the 1 Hour Data Binge | BUY60MINS / BY1HOUR / BUY1OUR |
Buy the 4 Hour Data Binge | BUY4HOUR / BY4HOURS / BUY 4 HOURS |
Buy the 12 Hour Data Binge | BUY12HOUR / BUY 12 HOURS / BUY 12HOURS |
Buy the 3 Day Roaming Add-on | BUY3DAYROAM / 3DAYROAM / 3 DAY ROAM |
Buy the 7 Day Roaming Add-on | BUY7DAYROAM / 7DAYROAM / 7 DAY ROAM |
Buy the 7 Day Data Roaming Add-on | BUY7DAYDATAROAM / 7DAYDATAROAM / 7 DAY DATA ROAM |
Cancel all Plans and Add-ons | STOP |
Cancel the Talk60 Add-on | STOPTALK60 |
Cancel the Talk80 Add-on | STOPTALK80 |
Cancel the Skinny Mins Add-on | STOPSKINNYMINS |
Cancel the Text250 Add-on | STOPTEXT250 |
Cancel the Data80 Add-On | STOPDATA80 |
Cancel the Data200 Add-On | STOPDATA200 |
Cancel the Data500 Add-On | STOPDATA500 |
Cancel the Data600 Add-On | STOPDATA600 |
Cancel the Data1GB Add-on | STOPDATA1GB |
Cancel the Data2GB Add-on | STOPDATA2GB |
Cancel a Recurring Offer | STOPOFFER |
Cancel the mates Rates Add-On | STOPMATESRATES |
Get set up Info | INFO |
Transfer Credit | AMOUNT (space) TRANSFER (space) MSISDN (You do not need to put in $ sign) |
Find out what my number is | MYNUMBER |
Skinny App | App |