You can see your data usage and charges in the Skinny Dashboard: Account History section. You must be registered on this website to see this information. You can register here.
We want you to be able to clearly see and understand the amount of data you are charged.
Data usage and the amount of included data charged are presented in MB and decimals thereof. Because of the odd way that computer engineers calculate MB (i.e. 1MB = 1024KB), there is an oddity in the way that the 5KB rounding we use is applied and charges and data usage is presented on our website.
To reconcile your usage (or check our calculations) versus the amount of MB shown and charged on our website, you can do as follows:
As an example: Amount/duration of data use in session displayed on portal = 0.174 MB
Converted to KB = 178.17 (0.174 x 1024)
Round up to nearest 5KB = 180 KB
Converted back to MB = 0.17578 (180 / 1024)
Cost of session as displayed = 0.176 MB
There are two things that the system looks at to calculate when you used your data:
1. When you turned your data on (Session start time)
Our systems do not record the time that you turned your data on. It records the time you phones starts to use the data. This gives us the session start time
For example, if you turn your data on at 1:00 pm and an app starts to use that data at 2:00 pm, your data session start time is 2:00 pm.
2. When you turn off your data (Session end time)
Our system does not record the time you turn your data off as the end time if your device was not able to relay to our system that the data has been turned off then our systems will try and ping the device after an approximate time of 4 hours. This is done to test if the data is on or not. Once this ping confirms that your data is off, that gives us the end session.
A little complicated but here's an example: if you turn your data off at 1:00 pm and the device doesn't relay this to our systems then your data session end time would be approximately 4 hours after, sometime around 5:00 pm.
Please note: You are not using any of your allocated data while your data it is turned off.