WiFi360 offer terms and conditions

      1. Who is eligible:

  1. New to Wireless Broadband customers who sign up to a Spark Wireless Broadband plan and purchase a Smart Modem 2 or Smart Modem 5G.
  2. Existing Wireless Broadband customers who purchase a Smart Modem 2 or Smart Modem 5G.
  3. Not available to business customers and you must be using Spark’s Wireless Broadband for personal purposes at a residential address.
  4. All Wireless Broadband in-market plans are eligible (including rural, rural antenna, and wireless while you wait) except our Portable Wireless Broadband plan.
  1. WiFi360 offer commences 23 January 2024. Spark reserves the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time.
  2. WiFi360 offer is available while Smart Mesh 2 stocks last.
  3. You must follow the set up instructions provided with your Modem and Mesh. 
  4. Home size, materials, exterior classing and the layout of the main dwelling may impact your experience and coverage. 
  5. Netflix Standard is included on eligible broadband plans only. View Netflix with Spark Terms and Conditions
  6. Limit one WiFi360 Guarantee claim per Wireless Broadband plan.
  7. WiFi360 Guarantee is available while Smart Mesh 2 stocks last. Spark reserves the right to amend or withdraw the Guarantee at any time. 
  8. What is the WiFi360 Guarantee: Contact Spark within 30 days of your order completing and we’ll work with you for 30 days to troubleshoot the coverage issue and may send you up to 2 additional Mesh units free of charge. After which, if we haven’t been able to improve your home coverage to give you WiFi coverage in every room, you can ask us for a $100 Spark account credit. The work with Spark to improve your coverage may include: following Spark’s guidance to adjust the setup of your Spark Smart Modem and/or Spark Smart Mesh 2 at home, Spark providing up to 2 additional Spark Smart Mesh 2 and adjusting the locations of each Smart Mesh to assess the coverage improvement.
  9. What is covered:
    1. WiFi360 (and the Wifi360 Guarantee) only applies to coverage within your main household and small outdoor living areas that are on average a similar distance from the Smart Modem 2 or Smart Mesh as other rooms in your house.
    2. The WiFi360 Guarantee applies to WiFi coverage testing done in the middle of each room.
  10. What is not covered:
    1. WiFi360 (and the WiFi360 Guarantee) does not apply to additional buildings or detached units on the property or extended backyard areas.
    2. The WiFi360 Guarantee only applies when your Spark Smart Mesh 2 is successfully connected to the Spark Smart Modem and the Spark Smart Modem is connected to the internet. The Guarantee does not cover faults or outages with your broadband service or connection.
    3. 1 x Smart Mesh 2 from the initial WiFi360 offer may not provide sufficient coverage for homes larger than the average New Zealand home size (157m2, Stats NZ), or where non-standard materials are used. If this is the case, you will be eligible under our guarantee for up to 2x additional Smart Mesh 2 units to improve coverage (subject to these terms).
    4. 3 x Smart Mesh 2 is likely to extend coverage to most residential homes where a house is built of standard materials (plasterboard and timber framing). Houses larger than this or built with different materials may not experience full coverage. If this is the case, you will be eligible under our guarantee for a $100 account credit (subject to these terms).
  11. Spark's Personal Terms also apply. View Personal Terms and Conditions