Children can understand the premise that too much screen time isn’t healthy, but due to the way a child’s brain works, they aren’t necessarily going to see things from your point of view straight away – and possibly won’t want to reduce their time on screens as it is something they enjoy (and their brain loves too).
Here are a few ways you might want to approach the topic with them:
Notice there is a lot of “together” in this. Screens are generally a solo activity but humans are social creatures and our brains are wired for connection. We need to use this to help our brain learn different ways to get stimulation apart from screens.
You are your child’s key person of influence. They ultimately want to be with, and do things, for you. You don’t need me to tell you that children do more of what they see you do and less of what you tell them to do!
Children change their behaviour best when what they see and what they are told match. So you will need to stick to the goals you have set in terms and lead on this. This is super important when your child loses interest. You need to be the cheerleader.